Job search tips & strategy

Finding a job is more than just trial and error! If you would like to finally get a job that you love, one that’s a good fit for your skills and personality, follow these tips before you start scheduling interviews:

1. Prepare or update your resume. This will remind you of your skill base.

2. Find your niche by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Where do I want to work? Determine your target location.
  • What industry interests me the most?
  • What company profiles am I looking for?
  • Where do I want to be in a few years?
  • What are my salary expectations?

Also check how the job market is doing; see what type of companies are hiring, which industries are booming, etc. You might want to identify your target industry’s key players as well.

3. Use your networking skills & start applying.

  • Utilize job alerts. Subscribe to the news feed of companies you want to work for.
  • Use social media sites such as LinkedIn, facebook, Twitter, or even company blogs to connect to recruiters or hiring managers.
  • Sign up on job boards and check them every week to see what’s new.
  • Ask people within your social circle (friends and friends of friends) if they know of any openings in the companies you’re researching.
  • Contact your University’s career center.
  • Call up a local or international recruitment agency.

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