Resume writing tips for fresh graduates

So, you’ve just graduated out of college and you’re worried about what to put on your resume. Guess what? We’ve compiled a list of tips to help you out! Within an hour to two, you can put together a well-written resume. Be confident that you can stand out even if you do not have any previous employment experience.

First, make sure you put your full name, address, phone number (mobile & home number would be great) and email address that you regularly check. Double check these credentials because you might sometimes miss a letter or type in a 1 instead of a 2.

Next, write your objective. Do not be afraid to write an objective. We’re not asking you to narrow it down all the way to “Marketing Coordinator within a multi-national FMCG firm based in UAE.” Just show the potential employers that you have a sense of direction of where you want to be. Indicate your field of interest and your target entry-level position title or responsibilities.

Once you’re done with your objective, move on to your education. When writing your education details, do not forget to mention (clearly) your University name, years at University, major and concentration (if applicable). That’s not all. You need to also mention the relevant courses that match your objective along with a few key projects you might have done within your field of interest. Be ready to discuss these if asked about them in an interview!

Internships come next. Internships indicate that you took initiative and weren’t afraid to tap into real-life work experience. Jot down what you have learned from this experience and what you’ve achieved. You could also add relevant skills acquired.

In addition to the three listed resume parts, you might want to include a section for your volunteer work experience or one for personal information (hobbies and interests). This gives a sense of your character and personality.

Moreover, you could also choose to add a few references (ex: a professor at the University, your previous Manager at your internship company). Do make sure that these people are aware you’re giving in their details.

Finally, as a fresh graduate, you need to keep your resume length limited to one page to one page and a half as a maximum.

This is about it, college graduates! Take an hour or two to think about your resume and make sure to double check the CV’s spelling and punctuation.

We regularly post resume writing tips. Come back soon!

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